Painting Falling Water
Digitally painting falling water can be a little tricky, but it is not that difficult with a little technique. Creating the water in several steps can provide great results. Using some whites, grays, and light blues, create a few rough, parallel lines. Blur and smudge until it becomes a translucent cover over the structure behind. In the same location, create a few more rough parallel lines. Blur and smudge again, in a vertical direction, creating a blurry vertical pattern.
Once again, some white, rough vertical lines, but this last pass is to add some detail. A few whites specks will give the feeling of water spray. The last step is to create a layer mask, and with a low opacity, feathered eraser, remove and thin portions of the fall. Varying the opacity of the waterfall, revealing different amounts of background through the water will create a more realistic look and give the waterfall some depth.